"Place story, image, or video here".

"Place story, image, or video here".

The Women of our Community are Gathering to Speak Up

A woman at your table will have a "heart" story. Someone in your row at the breakout session will have found a way to eat baked, not fried, for her whole family. That exercise and diet plan you've been looking for, the one that is actually doable? The woman next to you in line for coffee is going to tell you to forget diets, and become a BetterU.

Together the women of Go Red can bring a voice to this silent killer to help save lives. We can listen to what our hearts are telling us, talk to our doctors, and spread the word to our friends and community about making the right choices and taking action.

Go Red For Women needs you to shatter the silence by choosing to Speak Up about heart disease. Be part of the movement, make choices, speak up and spread the word. By sharing this commitment with Go Red For Women, together we can help save lives. Be a part of this extraordinary day.

Our Hearts. Our Choice.

Northwest Indiana Go Red for Women Symposium
May 5, 2011

Radisson Hotel
800 East 81st Avenue
Merrillville, IN 46410

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