Click here to visit the 2017 Chicago Go Red For Women Website


Heart disease is no match for the power of women's voices!

Go Red For Women® celebrates the energy, passion and power we have as women to band together raise our voice and wipe out heart disease and stroke.

Heart disease is still the No. 1 killer of women, taking the life of 1 in 3 women each year. This means women just like you - mothers, sisters, friends - are dying at the rate of one per minute because they don't know what you know: heart disease kills.

The American Heart Association’s Go Red For Women is the world’s largest network of women standing together to save women’s lives from heart disease. Millions of women have united to raise their voices about their No. 1 killer. With your help, many more lives can be saved.

Make It Your Mission to fight heart disease in women. By sharing this commitment, together we can help save lives. Be a part of this extraordinary movement.


