Go Red for Women


Go Red for Women Symposium - 05.04.17

Radisson Star Plaza's Celebrity Ballroom

800 E 81st Ave, Merrillville, IN 46410






Symposium Agenda

9:30am - Hospitality Lounge opens with express check-in for Medical Professionals, Circle of Red, Cor Vitae and Men Go Red Societies

9:45am - Doors open to the Celebrity Ballroom; Vendor Reception Opens with Free Health Screenings, Touch-up Suite, Networking and Silent Auction

11:15am - Lunch is Served; Hospitality Lounge closed until duration of program

12:00pm - Keynote Speaker Special Presentation

12:30pm - Understanding the Impact-Open Your Heart Appeal

1:00pm - Circle of Red, Men Go Red and Cor Vitae VIP Reception with Keynote Speaker