Chicago 2017
Hard Hats with Heart
Thursday, Sept 7th, 2017
Event: 6:30 - 9:30pm
Chicago Sports Museum, 825 N. Michigan Ave., 7th Floor - WaterTower Place
2017 Event Honoree: The Families of the Pipe Fitters, Local 597
Premiere construction companies joining the region's premiere corporate partners in support of the life-saving mission of the American Heart Association!
- Network with industry leaders and hospital executives;
- Learn a life-saving skill with CPR Anytime demonstrations;
- Hear from a local heart survivor;
- Enjoy drinks and appetizers!
Why Hard Hats with Heart? Life is Why.
We want people to experience more of life's precious moments. It's why we've made better heart and brain health our mission. Any until there's a world free of heart disease and stroke, we'll be here, working to make a healthier, longer life possible for everyone. Events like Hard Hats with Heart are an integral part of funding the American Heart Association's mission. Don't miss out on this unforgettable evening with life-saving significance!
Thank you to our generous sponsors!

For more information or questions, contact Amy Beck at Amy.beck@heart.org, or at 312-350-1668.